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Java examples to convert HTML strings to a PDF or a url to PDF

If you are planning to use Java to convert your webpages to pdfs, you can use our web service which is free in small volumes for commercial applications and platforms. No special special components or libraries are needed.

It is quite useful for brochures, reporting and invoicing - create a HTML webpage and use it for both a downloadable PDF or for the users to view.

The service will convert webpages to pdfs online by reading your webpage or taking the HTML you send it, and dynamically generate a PDF or an image. It will handle fairly complex documents and layouts including images and executing javascript, although as always the simpler the better.

    • Convert a URL or HTML to a file

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Conversion Tip

The number #1 reason a conversion fails is because it contains an references to external links or images that doesn't exist. If there is a conversion error, please check the page using your webbrowsers 'developer' network tab to ensure there are no 404 errors.